Makeup Bag Stow Away! And my latest beauty, Becca

While my friends, Lindsey T. and Stephen, are away in brussels I am watching their little Yorkie, Chewy.  I was reorganizing my makeup kit after a very busy weekend. And while my kit bag was empty, look who tried to stow away....
... it's chewy in my Zuca makeup bag! Gosh, little Chewbert is so cute!
I've washed so many brushes today! But aren't they just so beautiful? I <3 them so much. 
Speaking of beautiful, here's Becca. We did a makeup lesson today because I was booked on the day she was going to have her engagement photographs taken. So I taught her just the right techniques and tricks so she can recreate the perfect look. 
Here are some notes on the makeup:
Lips: Red lip color, then wiped off- to leave a slight reddish stain, then Blue Raspberry on top. 
Skin: Skin foundation 3.5, bisque under eye corrector, beige concealer, beige/ warm beige foundation stick, golden light bronzer, pale pink blush (yes, I almost always use pale pink blush, because it's the best!)
Eyes: Wheat in brows, Ivory all over, slate on lower lid, smudge lashes with Caviar powder, Cobalt gel eyeliner, 3 medium size false lashes and 3 small false lashes, no Smudge mascara.
Thanks Becca!