Love Mail

Can you say, ADORABLE! My lovely client sent me a thank you note and a fabulous BLINC mascara!. I just can't get over it, SO SWEET! Thank you notes make the recipient + sender feel so great! When was the last time you send out a thank you note? It's certainly been a while for me because I've been so busy, but I must get back on top of it!

During out makeup lesson together, Betsy and I discussed how great BLINC mascara is. She wasn't my first client to insist that it was the best out there for girls that have smudging concerns with their mascara. I told her I needed to get out there and get some to try out... and then she sent me one in the mail! Yippee!!!

Thank you Betsy!

"Hey Lindsey, Just wanted to thank you for our makeup session and for all your advice and tips! I bought you a new product for you to try. Hope you like it! Warmest - Betsy"